Every two years the Office of Housing prepares updates to the administrative and financial (A&F) plan that guides implementation of the Seattle Housing Levy.
With less than half of the 7-year Levy term remaining and each of the Levy’s five programs on track to meet or exceed goals, we expect relatively few changes to result from the 2021 update. Many of the projects that will ultimately seek Levy funding in the coming few years are under already well into the planning phase, further recommending against abrupt changes.

That said, we’ve heard a few suggestions for technical changes and want to make sure that community members and other stakeholders have the chance to notify us of any pressing updates needed to further the Levy’s capacity to deliver on both its stated objectives and numerical production goals.
A few changes are already under consideration. They include an increase to the amount of Levy-funded budget authority that OH can have outstanding for real estate acquisition at any given time, new definitions to improve long-term Seattle homeowners’ access to assistance, and adjustments to certain regulatory terms to attract a broader range of financing partners when acquiring vacant property.
The existing A&F Plan and associated Housing Funding Policies appear here. All changes must be approved by City Council before taking effect. We anticipate briefing City Council on any proposed changes by June 2, so if you do identify important changes for consideration please share them as soon as possible, and no later than May 28, via an email to OH’s Kelli.Larsen@seattle.gov.