The availability of affordable housing in King County is in a state of crisis, and the King County Department of Assessments is exploring how they might contribute to solutions.
Our foundational responsibility is to serve the residents of our county, fairly assessing property values and maintaining a complete inventory of every parcel of land, private or public, within the boundaries of King County.
But are also aware of residents’ affordable housing struggles, so they have partnered with FUSE Corps to launch The Data-Driven Solutions to the Affordable Housing Crisis in King County research project.
King County is inviting Residents to add their voice to this exploration. Do you have thoughts on affordable housing that you’d like to share? If so, they want to hear from you!
Please respond to this 4-minute survey and share your “Dear King County, Here’s What I Think About Affordable Housing” ideas. The survey is quick and easy and provides a comment box for you to contribute your “Dear King County” thoughts.
Surveys are submitted anonymously, and we welcome your responses. Click here to begin.