Public Comment for HUD PRO Housing Grant 09/25/24 by Seattle Office of Housing The City of Seattle announces the release of a draft funding application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding program... Public Comment for HUD PRO Housing Grant 09/25/24 by Seattle Office of Housing
City of Seattle announces investment to support af... 09/12/24 by Seattle Office of Housing The Office of Housing awards Homestead Community Land Trust for the development of 21 permanently affordable homes at the former Dumar Substation. The... City of Seattle announces investment to support af... 09/12/24 by Seattle Office of Housing
Mount Baker Redevelopment Partners Announced 07/09/24 by Seattle Office of Housing Over 400 new housing units to be built near high-capacity transit, co-located with innovative early learning hub The City of Seattle’s Office of H... Mount Baker Redevelopment Partners Announced 07/09/24 by Seattle Office of Housing